Throwing Rice

Throwing Rice

Throwing Rice

I was wondering if you could tell me when is the appropriate time to throw rice after church. Do the guests wait while we have the receiving line and take pictures?
Thanks, Angela
Dear Angela,
If you are planning on having a receiving line immediately after the ceremony then I would hold off until the reception to have the toss. You and your groom will be greeting each guest as they exit the church. If you are not having a receiving line until the reception then have someone pass the word for guests to gather outside the church. You and your groom should be tucked
away somewhere until all the guests have made their exit. Then you make your entrance on the church steps and run to your waiting car as guests cheer and toss the birdseed/rice. The car takes off and goes around the block a couple of times and then returns to the church. This allows you the opportunity to
receive the send off before taking pictures - which allows your guests to continue on to the reception instead of waiting outside of the church for the photos to conclude.
Happiness always,


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